Tuesday, 15 January 2013

pages from a sketch book. August 1990

[lino-cut. Work in progress]

Wednesday: The sun came out for 10 minutes - warm, drizzly, cloudy. We cycled and cycled. Hostel closed and so on to Clifton on the west coast. Teeming with wet tourists. A brass band playing neopolitan tunes. Traditional music advertised in most pubs. In we go. Elderly men jamming, young man sings. A tourist holds up a tape recorder. A wee brown eyed girl does acrobatics for me. We become stupored on Murphys.
The young curly headed piano player was cajoled into singing a love song and a young woman came over from the bar to listen.

Thursday:  view from the tent, beyond the bikes is a hillock of pine trees

Rather than spending £26 on a lamp we`ve improvised with safety lights, a jar and tin foil. 4 daddy long legs have extinguished themselves already

Kylemore Abbey: "Mother Abbess and community welcome you...Please feel free to explore the tranquil surroundings in which we are priviliged to live, and see our Gothic church, a replica of Norwich cathedral"
[path leading beyond the chapel]

Beach near Cleggan

Clew Bay looking over to Croagh Patrick in the early evening. 
Sharing a palette of colours in a headwind.

Monday evening: It`s been raining most of the day so we`ll be heading inland down to the big loughs in south and east Galway - land of ruined abbeys, friaries and castles. The plan seems to be 5 or 6 more days touring - heading towards Ballinasloe and from there catching the Dublin train.
[Clew Bay]

Wednesday: Cong Abbey. We investigated the dry canal between the loughs at Cong. This had been constructed during  famine but won`t hold water and so is dry. As I drew dollops of water hit the page.
["this purple is the plague"]

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